Journeys Home
Housing stability in Australia
Journeys Home is designed to provide integral information to assist with the Australian Government’s strategy to reduce homelessness in Australia.
A major national longitudinal study, Journeys Home surveys Australians either experiencing homelessness or vulnerable to homelessness. As with the HILDA Living in Australia study, Roy Morgan Research has been entrusted with this important survey.
The project is managed by the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research (University of Melbourne), on behalf of the Australian Government Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA).
Covering participants’ housing and living arrangements, education, employment, income, relationships and health, the results are used by policy-makers, academics and service providers to develop effective early intervention and prevention responses.
The fieldwork is conducted face-to-face in 36 sites across Australia, using Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI). The high quality of the interviewing has helped achieve wave on wave response rates of around 90%. This is particularly important because, being a longitudinal study, any respondents who opt out cannot be replaced.
As always, Roy Morgan Research is taking all necessary measures to ensure the privacy of respondents is stringently protected.