Roy Morgan Research
Growing Up in Australia

Growing Up in Australia

Explore how to make things better for children and young people in the future

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Growing Up in Australia: The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC) is a major study following the development of young people and their families from all parts of Australia. It is conducted in partnership between Roy Morgan, the Australian Institute of Family Studies and the Department of Social Services, with advice provided by a consortium of leading researchers.

The study began in 2003 with a representative sample of 10,000 children (who are now teens and young adults) from urban and rural areas of all states and territories in Australia. The in-depth study covers development and wellbeing over the life course including topics such as family, social life, socioeconomics, learning and cognition, future plans and health. It will continue to follow participants into adulthood.

To view research reports or update your details (for participants) click the dedicated Growing Up in Australia study website here.

Why is this study so important?

Findings from Growing Up in Australia are used to explore how to make things better for children and young people in the future.

The study continues to inform social policy and is used to identify opportunities for early intervention and prevention strategies. Some important outcomes the study has helped inform include:

  • The introduction of Australia’s first paid parental leave scheme
  • Changes to the family law system, including better protections for children at risk of child abuse and family violence
  • The universal access to early-childhood education national partnership which aims to ensure that every child has access to early-childhood education


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