Roy Morgan unveils Annual Customer Satisfaction Award winners across all categories

The winners of the Roy Morgan Annual Customer Satisfaction Awards are:
Finance (14 Awards)
Bank of the Year | Beyond Bank |
*Major Bank of the Year | Commonwealth Bank |
Building Society / Credit Union of the Year | Newcastle Permanent Building Society |
General Insurer of the Year | Defence Service Homes Insurance |
*Major General Insurer of the Year | RAC |
Private Health Insurer of the Year | Teachers Union Health Fund (NEW) |
*Major Private Health Insurer of the Year – Retail | Ahm |
*Major Private Health Insurer of the Year - Not for Profit or Restricted | Teachers Health (NEW) |
Risk & Life Insurer of the Year | Real Insurance |
*Major Risk & Life Insurer of the Year | CommInsure (NEW) |
Retail Super Fund of the Year | OnePath |
*Major Retail Super Fund of the Year | OnePath |
Industry Super Fund of the Year | UniSuper |
*Major Industry Super Fund of the Year | AustralianSuper |
Retail (16 Awards)
Auto Store of the Year | Supercheap Auto |
Coffee Shop of the Year | Muffin Break |
Clothing Store of the Year | Suzanne Grae |
Department Store of the Year | Myer |
Discount Department Store of the Year | Costco |
Discount Variety Store of the Year | The Reject Shop |
Furniture/Electrical Store of the Year | JB Hi-Fi |
*Major Furniture/Electrical Store of the Year | JB Hi-Fi |
Hardware Store of the Year | Bunnings Warehouse |
Chemist/Pharmacy of the Year | Chemist Warehouse |
Quick Service Restaurant of the Year | Zambrero (NEW) |
*Major Quick Service Restaurant of the Year | Subway |
Liquor Store of the Year | Dan Murphy’s |
Shoe Store of the Year | Skechers |
Sports Store of the Year | Rebel |
Supermarket of the Year | ALDI |
Automotive (2 Awards)
Car Manufacturer of the Year | Skoda (NEW) |
*Major Car Manufacturer of the Year | Mazda |
Telecommunications (3 Awards)
Internet Service Provider of the Year | Westnet |
Mobile Handset Provider of the Year | Apple iPhone |
Mobile Phone Service Provider of the Year | Vaya (NEW) |
Tourism & Travel (3 Awards)
Domestic Business Travel Airline of the Year | Virgin Australia (NEW) |
Domestic Airline of the Year | Qantas |
International Airline of the Year | Singapore Airlines |
Utilities (2 Awards)
Electricity Provider of the Year | Red Energy |
Gas Provider of the Year | Kleenheat |
Of the 40 award winners almost half, 19, are repeat winners backing up from a victory a year ago. There are 21 new winners including first-time winners Vaya, Skoda, Zambrero and CommInsure as well as former winners such as Virgin Australia, Mazda, Red Energy, Dan Murphy’s, Beyond Bank, UniSuper, AustralianSuper, Supercheap Auto, Muffin Break and Chemist Warehouse returning to the winner’s circle.
Over 60,000 Australians surveyed from January to December 2022 named the companies they deal with across more than 30 industries, including Automotive, Banking, Supermarket and Telecommunications, and rated how satisfied they were with them. Monthly Customer Satisfaction winners are recorded in each category throughout the year, with the annual award going to the company with the most monthly wins.
Several companies scored a ‘clean sweep’ of 12 monthly victories including first-time winners Skoda as well as back-to-back 2021 and 2022 winners Myer, The Reject Shop, JB Hi-Fi, Kleenheat, Bunnings Warehouse, Rebel, ALDI and Subway.
Also performing strongly were Supercheap Auto, Chemist Warehouse, Red Energy, UniSuper, Skechers, Costco, Suzanne Grae, Teachers Health and ahm.
Roy Morgan CEO Michele Levine says:
“Roy Morgan Customer Satisfaction Awards honour the Australian businesses who deliver continuously on their social contract with every customer.
“These awards represent more than 280 companies competing in 40 categories for the Roy Morgan Customer Satisfaction Awards.
“While we at Roy Morgan collect and collate the data, the “judging panel” is made up of customers of the 280 companies – many thousands of them – giving their honest, unvarnished opinions. That’s what makes these awards so meaningful and so highly valued.
“The data that underpins the Roy Morgan Customer Satisfaction Awards comes from real people telling us how they feel about the brands and companies they interact with. They do so via our Single Source survey, for which we interview some 60,000 Australian people each year across the nation.
“This massive study provides an accurate, independent and objective measure of how people feel about the companies they give their business to.
“We ask respondents to tell us which companies they deal with in different categories and then to rate how satisfied they are with each. Each month we calculate monthly Customer Satisfaction winners in each of the categories as the year unfolds, and the annual award goes to the company with the most monthly wins. Simple.
“Roy Morgan’s Annual Customer Satisfaction Awards are the gold standard in identifying those companies and brands that stay ahead of the pack by knowing what their customers want and delivering it consistently.
“A look at the year’s customer satisfaction winners shows many familiar names returning to the winner’s circle again and a suite of first-time winners in categories such as Mobile Phone Service Provider (Vaya), Car Manufacturer (Skoda) and Major Risk & Life Insurer (CommInsure).
“Another first-time winner is Zambrero – the new Quick Service Restaurant of the Year. The Canberra based Mexican restaurant chain has expanded rapidly in recent years and now has over 245 restaurants globally after being founded less than two decades ago in 2005.
“There were several businesses that aced their customer satisfaction by winning all 12 months. First-time Car Manufacturer of the Year Skoda was one of the 12 companies with a perfect record and was joined by Myer, JB Hi-Fi, Bunnings Warehouse, Rebel, ALDI, Subway, AustralianSuper, Kleenheat, The Reject Shop and Risk & Life Insurer of the Year Real Insurance.
“Despite a steady decline in domestic customer satisfaction since early 2022, Qantas managed to win enough months earlier in the year to take out the 2022 Domestic Airline Award. Faced with historic levels of distrust and class action lawsuits, Qantas is highly unlikely to win the award in 2023.”
For comments or more information about Roy Morgan’s Annual Customer Satisfaction Award data please contact:
Roy Morgan Enquiries
Office: +61 (3) 9224 5309
Roy Morgan Customer Satisfaction Awards
The Roy Morgan Customer Satisfaction Awards highlight the winners, but this is only the tip of the iceberg. Roy Morgan tracks customer satisfaction, trust and distrust, engagement, loyalty, advocacy and NPS across a wide range of industries and brands. This data can be analysed by month for your brand and importantly your competitive set, and Roy Morgan can also provide the key drivers of these metrics to identify the specific levers for improvement.
The data that determines who wins comes from Roy Morgan’s massive Single Source survey compiled from in-depth interviews with over 60,000 consumers from all around Australia. *The brands included in the nine major award categories are determined based on market size and only the top brands by market size are included in the major award categories.
Need to know how you stand in customer satisfaction?
Check out our rankings and related customer satisfaction reports by industry and brands at
About Roy Morgan
Roy Morgan is Australia’s largest independent Australian research company, with offices in each state, as well as in the U.S. and U.K. A full-service research organisation, Roy Morgan has over 80 years’ experience collecting objective, independent information on consumers.
Customer Satisfaction is tracked monthly for the following brands:
2degrees, AA Financial Services/Insurance, AAMI, AAPT, ActewAGL, Adam, AGL, ahm Health Insurance, AIA Australia, Air New Zealand, Air New Zealand (Domestic), Air New Zealand Link, Alcatel, ALDI, ALDI Liquor, ALDImobile, Alinta Energy, Allianz, Amaysim, Amcal, American Express, AMP, ANZ Bank, ANZ Group, APIA (Australian Pensioners Insurance), Apple iPhone, ASB Group, Asgard, Asteron, Audi, Aurora Energy, Aussie Broadband, Australian Power & Gas, Australian Unity, AustralianSuper, Autobarn, Autopro, Aviva, AXA, Ballantynes, Bank Australia, Bank First, Bank of Melbourne, Bank of New Zealand, Bank of Queensland, BankSA, BankVic, Bankwest, Barkers, Belong, Bendigo Bank, Best & Less, Betta Home Living, Betts, Beyond Bank Australia, Big W, Bingle, BlackBerry, BMW, BNT – Bras N Things, Boost mobile, Bottlemart, British Airways, BT, Bunnings Warehouse, BUPA, Burger Fuel, BWS (Beer Wine Spirits), CareSuper, Carl’s Jr, Cathay Pacific, Catholic Super, CBHS, Cbus, Cellarbrations, CGU Insurance, Cheap As Chips, Chemist Warehouse, Chemmart, Chicken Treat, Citibank, Cobb & Co., Coles, Coles Online Liquor, Colonial First State, CommInsure, Commonwealth Bank, Contact Energy, Costco, Cotton On, Countdown, Country Energy, Country Road, Crazy Clark’s, Crazy John’s, Credit Union Australia (CUA), Crust Pizza, CUA Health, Daihatsu, Dan Murphy’s, David Jones, Defence Health, Defence Service Homes Insurance, Denny’s, Dick Smith, Dimmeys, Discount Drug Stores, Dodo, Domino’s Pizza, Donut King, Elders, Electric Kiwi, Elgas, Emirates, Empower, Energy Online, EnergyAustralia, Ergon Energy, Esprit, Esquires, ESSSuper, Etihad Airways, Exetel, Fantastic Furniture, Farmers, Farmers Mutual Group (FMG), Fasta Pasta, First Choice Liquor, First State Super (NSW Government), Foodland, Foot Locker, Ford, Foxtel, Garuda Indonesia, Genesis Energy, GIO Insurance, Glassons, Gloria Jean’s, GMF Health, GMHBA, Go-Lo, Google Phone, Great Southern Bank, Greater Bank, Grill’d, Guardian, Guzman y Gomez, H&M, Hallenstein, Hammer Hardware, Hannahs, Harris Scarfe, Harvey Norman, HBF, HCF, Health Partners, Health Super, Hell Pizza, Heritage Bank, HESTA, HIF (Health Insurance Fund), Hog’s Breath Café, Holden, Home Hardware, Honda, HOSTPLUS, HSBC, HTC, Huawei, Hudsons, Hungry Jack’s, Hunting & Fishing, Hyundai, IGA, IGA Liquor, iiNet, Ikea, IMB Bank, ING, Insuranceline, Integral Energy, Internode, IOOF, iPrimus, Isuzu UTE, Jacqui E, Jay Jays, JB Hi-Fi, Jeanswest, Jeep, Jetstar (domestic), Just Jeans, Kathmandu, Katies, KFC, Kia, Kirkcaldie & Stains, Kiwibank Group, Kleenheat Gas, Kmart, La Porchetta, Land Rover, Latrobe Health Services, Lexus, LG, Liquorland, Lowes, Lumo Energy, Macpac, Macquarie, Mad Mex, Malaysia Airlines, Mathers, Mazda, McCafé, McDonald’s, ME Bank, Medibank Private, Mercedes-Benz, Mercer, Mercury, Meridian Energy, MG, Michel’s, Miller’s Fashion Club, Millers, Mitre 10, Mitsubishi, MLC, Momentum Energy, Motorola, MTAA Super, Muffin Break, My Chemist, Myer, MyRepublic, MyState Financial, nab/National Australia Bank, Nando’s, National Bank, New World, Newcastle Permanent Building Society, NIB, Nissan, Noel Leeming, Nokia, Noni-B, Noodle Box, Nova Energy, NOVO Shoes, NRMA, Number One Shoes, OAMPS, OnePath, OnGas, Oporto, Oppo, Optus, Orcon, Origin Energy, Overland, P&N Bank, Pak ‘n Save, Paper Plus,, Payless Shoes, People’s Choice Credit Union, Peugeot, Pharmacy 4 Less, Pita Pit, Pizza Capers, Pizza Hut, PlaceMakers, Platypus Shoes, Plum, Portmans, Postie, Postie Plus, Powerdirect, Powershop, Priceline Pharmacy, Pumpkin Patch, Qantas, Qantas (domestic), Qantaslink, Qatar Airways, RAA, Rabobank, RAC, RACQ, RACT, RACV, Real Insurance, Rebel, Red Energy, Red Rooster, Renault, Repco, Rest Super, Retravision, REX (Regional Express), Rivers, Robert Harris Café, Rockgas, Rockmans, Rodd & Gunn Clothing, Sam’s Warehouse, Samsung, SBS Bank, Schnitz, SGIC, Shannons, Simply Energy, Singapore Airlines, Sizzler, Skechers, Skinny Mobile, Škoda, Slingshot, Smith & Caughey’s, Smiths City, Sony, Soul Origin, Soul Pattinson, Southern Phone, Spark, Spend-Less Shoes, Sports Power, Sportsco, Sportsgirl, St. George, St. Lukes Health, Starbucks Coffee, Statewide, Stirling Sports, Subaru, Subway, Suncorp, Suncorp Insurance, Sunsuper, Supercheap Auto, Sussan, Suzanne Grae, Suzuki, Swann Insurance, Synergy, TAL, Target, Target Country, Tasplan, Teachers Health, Teachers Mutual Bank, Teachers Union Health, Telstra, TelstraClear, Terry White Chemmart, Thai Airways, The Athlete’s Foot, The Bottle-O, The Co-operative Bank, The Coffee Club, The Good Guys, The Reject Shop, The Warehouse, Thirsty Camel, Tigerair (domestic), TIO, Toyota, TPG, True Value Hardware, TRUenergy, Trustpower, TSB, UBank, UniSuper, Valentines, Vaya, Vero, Victoria Teachers Mutual Bank, Virgin Atlantic, Virgin Australia, Virgin Mobile, Vodafone, Volkswagen, Volvo, Wendy’s, Westfund, WestNet, Westpac, Westscheme, WFI, Whitcoulls, Williams, Woolworths, Woolworths Liquor, Woolworths Mobile, XTRA (TELECOM), Youi, Zambrero, Zara, Zurich.
Margin of Error
The margin of error to be allowed for in any estimate depends mainly on the number of interviews on which it is based. Margin of error gives indications of the likely range within which estimates would be 95% likely to fall, expressed as the number of percentage points above or below the actual estimate. Allowance for design effects (such as stratification and weighting) should be made as appropriate.
Sample Size | Percentage Estimate |
40% – 60% | 25% or 75% | 10% or 90% | 5% or 95% | |
1,000 | ±3.0 | ±2.7 | ±1.9 | ±1.3 |
5,000 | ±1.4 | ±1.2 | ±0.8 | ±0.6 |
7,500 | ±1.1 | ±1.0 | ±0.7 | ±0.5 |
10,000 | ±1.0 | ±0.9 | ±0.6 | ±0.4 |
20,000 | ±0.7 | ±0.6 | ±0.4 | ±0.3 |
50,000 | ±0.4 | ±0.4 | ±0.3 | ±0.2 |