Gary Morgan
Executive Chairman
Gary Morgan is Executive Chairman of Australia’s most highly regarded research company, Roy Morgan Research, whose clients include many of Australia’s leading companies, institutions and government departments as well as multinational companies operating in Australia.
As the country’s leading pollster, Gary Morgan is seen as having his finger on the pulse of issues in Australia. He is often called upon to provide political and social comment, his research-based understanding of public opinion being sought after by the press, television, radio, and leading bloggers and online commentators.
As a businessman and a Melburnian, Gary Morgan is committed to Melbourne — and the drive to ensure Melbourne maintains its position within the business world. He was critical in the foundation and development of the committee for Melbourne, a group of leading business people and influential public sector figures dedicated to the task of increasing Melbourne’s world position.
Other business achievements include:
- Continuous provision of Australia’s longest running and most widely accepted political polls — founded by Roy Morgan in 1941
- Launched and managed Australia’s national readership survey which has continually innovated and developed to become a totally integrated cross-media survey today, embracing, total masthead readership, TV, radio, cinema and internet usage
- Successful joint venture with A.C. Nielsen on the warehouse withdrawal information business and television meter rating business (A.C. Nielsen bought Roy Morgan’s 50% share back in 1989)
Gary Morgan also has an interest in gold mining in Australia. He is Chairman of Haoma Mining NL, which has gold mine tenements located in the Marble Bar/Pilbara Region, Western Australia and at Ravenswood, Queensland.
- B. Comm., Mathematics and Economics
- Fellow, The Marketing Association of Australia and New Zealand
- Member, American Marketing Association
- Member, European Society for Opinion and Market Research
- Member, World Association of Public Opinion Research
- Roy Morgan Research Limited
- Roy Morgan International Limited (incorporated in USA)
- Roy Morgan International Limited (incorporated in UK)
- Elazac Pty Limited
- Elazac Mining Pty Limited
- Haoma Mining NL
- Kitchener Mining NL